
Posts Tagged ‘sullivan street bakery’


No Knead BreadMark Bittman, a food writer for the NY Times profiled a segment a few years ago on Jim Lahey of Sullivan Street bakery. Lahey shows the At Home Baker how to make bread at home using the “No Knead” method. The recipe and technique have become a web sensation. Simply search Flickr for “No Knead” or take a look at YouTube.

 I’ve wanted to try this for a long time, but was fearful because even though I love to cook, I am NOT a baker. Prior to this year, Tony’s been the resident baker. His specialty is homemade flour tortillas, made with a press that we bought while living in South Texas with instructions on it reading, “Place Here the Dough”.  My baking skills are lacking, I recently made my first pizza dough, but that was the first time I’d even opened a pack of yeast! Given…my new availability…I decided that the time was right to try it. We were out of bread and I had the ingredients on hand (3 c flour, water, 1/4 t yeast, and salt).

I haven’t felt this proud of myself in a long time – check out the pics above. I highly recommend the recipe and if you’re ready for a go, check out the original video interview here.

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